SYNPTOMS Pediatric Orthodontics

SYNPTOMS Pediatric Orthodontics
The position of the teeth much way ahead or behind, the teeth uncovering
each other and the going out of the tongue during swallowing, opening the
mouth during sleeping, the teeth which are very distant or very near to
each other, the discontinuity of the teeth on right or left synchronically,
the continuity of thumb and teat sucking, being of the jowl or the maxilla
distinctively at front or behind when looked from the outside of the mouth.
How it is applied? FIXED TREATMENTS
It is the most preferred method of orthodontic therapy. The hi-tech wires
having different gauges and twists are placed over the brackets adhered
onto the teeth with special adhesives. These wires apply force to the tooth
in the intended direction, and the teeth move. It is also possible to move
the root of the tooth.
Labial orthodontic treatment (standard orthodontic treatment)
It is the treatment method in which the brackets are affixed to the front
faces of the teeth. The brackets are seen when the patient smiles. It may
cause some tissue irritations, however it is an easier method to perform
with regard to both the patient and the dentist.
Lingual Orthodontic Therapy
It is the treatment method in which the brackets are affixed to rear faces
of the teeth. Any sign of treatment is not seen when the patient smiles.
However it may cause various soft-tissue injuries and disorders since the
brackets are in the tongue side. It is a harder method to perform with
regard to both the patient and the dentist.
Mobile Treatment
It is the treatment method which is used for correcting the uneven teeth,
in the preventive orthodontic treatment in early ages, and in the
reinforcement treatment. It is applied with the apparatus which the patient
can wear on and off easily. A close cooperation by the patient is required
since the installation is dependant completely to the patient. Metal-
supported acrylic equipments may be used, whereas the transparent
equipments may also be used.
Functional Orthodontic Treatment
It is an orthopaedic treatment which is applied by taking the advantage of
the growth process of the child, and the target of this treatment is to steer
the growing of the cranium and the jawbone.
The circumstances in which the jowl is beyond unusually and the
circumstances like being bucktoothed in which the maxilla is beyond
unusually are the disorders which are treated with this treatment. The age
of the child is very important. This treatment cannot be applied after the
development is finished (girls bigger than 12-14 years old for and boys
bigger than 14-16 years old). The treatment is applied with the mobile
equipments concerning to both the jowl and the maxilla, or with extra oral
How much time does it take?In orthodontics, the ideal treat time is
defined by the orthodontist depending on the type and the severity of the
problem. The treatment of simple dental problems is usually postponed to
the age of 12 in which all the dentition finishes. However the problems
about the first molars, the problems which show up inconsequence of
losing the deciduous teeth very early, and the skeletal problems of the jaw
are in the list of disorders which should be treated in early ages. Since the
problems about the position of the jowl and the maxilla are removed by
using the development potential of the child, the treatment is started at
the age 7-8 and it is finished at the age of 11-12.
Who should have this treatment?
The individuals whose jowl and/or maxilla are beyond or behind
abnormally, the individuals whose upper teeth cover the bottom teeth
abnormally, the individuals having uneven teeth or diastema, and the
individuals who have missing, surplus, or impacted teeth require the
orthodontic treatment.


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